Gladbecker Straße 1-3
40472 Düsseldorf
You can find detailed directions here.
T +49 211 4403 1100 0
F +49 211 4403 1151 0
Find out more about Pro Projekte on its own company website.
It takes a huge amount of planning, expertise and foresight to construct a new production site or modify stock plants – both in advance and during implementation. We call on our staff at Pro Projekte for any such projects that need to be completed.
The expertise of staff at our location in Düsseldorf lets us successfully implement highly complex projects. Pro Projekte takes over all planning, management, execution and the final handover in close coordination with the other responsible experts. Our internal service provider therefore plays a pivotal role in our successful growth.
We are constantly optimising our existing production sites – may it be our plants and machines or our production methods and processes. We carry out all these tasks in unison in our day-to-day business and we need the right resources and support to do so. In such cases, the specialists from the Operational Excellence (OPEX), Energy Management, Project Management departments and elsewhere in Pro Projekte are there to help. They work closely with the responsible experts on the ground.
We design new warehouses, plan entire factories and organise conversion work. We have challenging tasks waiting for you.