We produce a wide range of high-quality beverages for the trading companies of the Schwarz Group, Lidl and Kaufland. Our mineral waters have been awarded with the German Agricultural Society (DLG) Gold Medal. Our more than 25 high-performance filling plants give us the capabilities to respond flexibly and reliably to the requirements of the market. We always keep the environment in mind when producing our mineral waters, sweet drinks and spritzers: our plastic and recycling plants recycle used PET single-use bottles, process them into granulate and turn them into new bottles. This is an essential part of our unique recycling loop.
Energy in a can
Our high-performance filling plants give us the capabilities to produce a wide variety of soft drinks – including energy drinks in cans.
You’ve Got the Thirst, We’ve Got the Refreshment
We keep our eyes on your wishes, taste and well-being at all times. At our cutting-edge production plants in MEG, around 1,500 people work every day to quench the thirst of millions. From mineral waters to soft drinks and sports drinks – we deliver what you need! Our top priority is to ensure a consistently high quality and the reliable delivery of our beverages.
Think you’d like to work in our beverage and plastics plants? Then see if you can find the right job for you on our jobs portal.

In tandem with our trading partners, we have managed to establish our own recycling loop for PET single-use bottles from the bottle deposit scheme, which is completely unique in terms of consequence and scale in the industry. All the soft drink and mineral water bottles that are returned to Lidl and Kaufland bottle deposit machines end up in our recycling loop and are made into new PET preforms in the MEG plastics and recycling plants.100 percent recycled material is used for the bodies of the bottles, with all our PET bottles for Lidl and Kaufland made entirely of recycled PET (not including the cap and label). This has enabled us to live up to our responsibility to use natural resources as carefully as possible and promote environmental protection.
We are continuously investing in our sustainability concept, and it is paying off.