David-Hansemann-Straße 1-25
52531 Übach-Palenberg
You can find detailed directions here.
T +49 2451 9159 2000
F +49 2451 9159 2110
Find out more about Bonback on its own company website.
We spend every day working with passion, curiosity, know-how and the willpower to set new standards. We deliver beverages, chocolate, nuts, dried fruit, baked goods, ice cream, coffee and pasta. In Maxau, we also produce environmentally friendly printing papers with a multitude of uses. All in the highest quality.
Our core business is the production of high-quality food, sustainable packaging and materials. Our cutting-edge facilities give us the capabilities to perform and deliver. Our outstanding mineral waters and soft drinks from MEG and baked products from Bonback are just some examples of how we reliably deliver the best quality at fair prices to our trading partners Lidl and Kaufland. We are the benchmark for retail products – and a model of success for the retail trade. We produce the best quality with the highest level of delivery reliability. This defines our success, which we achieve together with our employees and our partners.
High quality standards and reliability are important to us, which is why we pay them special attention.
We have been making sustainability a priority at Schwarz Produktion for many years now. We keep in mind our responsibility to our employees, consumers and society every day. With our sustainability agenda “Schwarz Produktion 2025”, we are committed to occupational safety, climate protection and the appreciation of resources.
We improve people’s quality of life with responsibly produced food. MEG makes a wide range of high-quality beverages and produces new bottles from recycled ones. Bonback, Bon Gelati and Solent produce baked goods, ice cream, chocolate and dried fruits. Bon Presso in Rheine roasts our coffee. Bon Pasta delivers noodles and pasta. Maxauer Papierfabrik produces huge quantities of graphic paper that is recyclable, renewable and biodegradable. However, nothing in production runs smoothly without an excellent organisation. That is provided by Sindra, Pro Projekte and the Schwarz Produktion administrative office in Weißenfels. We all work together to deliver special moments of indulgence.
You will find Schwarz Produktion at 22 different locations throughout Germany, with 17 production sites and five business and administrative units that are responsible for its overarching tasks. We also have an international production site: MEG Derby in Great Britain.